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Kenya’s War Against the Poor – an interview with Gacheke Gachihi

ROAPE’s Leo Zeilig interviews the Kenyan activist Gacheke Gachihi who is the coordinator of the Mathare Social Justice Centre in Nairobi, which organises campaigns against police brutality and killings. He speaks about the struggles over the last twenty five years against police brutality and extra-judicial killings in Nairobi and some of the organisations and social movements that are confronting the Kenyan state on this issue. Gacheke also introduces an extraordinary short documentary, just released, which charts the campaigns against these killings, from within Nairobi’s poorest settlements.

Did the Russian Revolution Matter for Africa? (Part II)

In the second part of Matt Swagler’s blogpost on the Russian Revolution, he focuses on how Marxist ideas became central to African political organizing...

In memoriam, in struggle: Lila Chouli

On 25 March, the activist, researcher and writer Lila Chouli died less than a year after receiving the news that she had an incurable illness. Pascal Bianchini and Leo Zeilig write about the work and life of this committed and determined researcher, who spent years working on Burkina Faso and researching the country's history of resistance and revolutions.

The Revolution Won’t Be Televised

'The revolution won't be televised' is a film that tells the story of the ‘Y’en a marre’ movement that rose up in Senegal against octogenarian President Abdoulaye Wade’s attempt to clinch to power in 2012. Y’en a marre translates as ‘enough is enough’, or – even more to the point – ‘we’re fed up’. The movement was started by musicians Thiat and Kilifeu, and some of their friends.