Please join us on Thursday 16 January at 1PM GMT / 4PM EAT for a webinar on Imperialism and Africa. The webinar is jointly organised by ROAPE and the African Radical Political Economy Working Group of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE). Drawing on papers recently published in ROAPE’s 50th anniversary issue, Lyn Ossome, Hannah Cross, Matteo Capasso and Ray Bush will reflect on imperialism in the African context and beyond. This will include a consideration of imperialism and its relation to crises of social reproduction and gender inequality, the international labour migration regime, and recent interventions in North Africa. The event will be hosted on Zoom and you can sign up now to secure your spot by following this link.
The webinar coincides with a live call for papers to the African Radical Political Economy Working Group for the IIPPE Conference, to be held in Ankara, Turkey on 17-20 September 2025. The Working Group seeks to promote intellectual and practical exchange between scholars and activists of African political economy, and those who share an interest in radical approaches to political economy, acknowledging the power dynamics in capitalism and often with a critical Marxist perspective.
The deadline for submissions is 1 February 2025.
Areas of particular interest include (but are not limited to): multi-faceted impacts of imperialism in Africa, new and old theories of imperialism; anticolonial African Marxist thought; the social, political and economic impacts of multiple ecological crises on the continent; social movements, struggles and resistance against capitalism and imperialism; the return of recession, debt, and structural adjustment; financialisation; work, labour regimes and workers’ struggles; extractivism new and old; so-called green transitions. Analysis at any scale (from local to global, including multi-scalar) and in different contexts – rural, urban and so forth – is welcome. Proposals can be submitted by following this link (please tick the African Radical Political Economy Working Group when you make the submission and then indicate clearly under the title or abstract tab that you are submitting to this group).
Sign up to webinar here, submit your paper here, and circulate both widely!
For 50 years, ROAPE has brought our readers path-breaking analysis on radical African political economy in our quarterly review, and for more than ten years on our website. Subscriptions and donations are essential to keeping our review and website alive. Please consider subscribing or donating today.