Volume 40 2013 Issue 135

Neither war nor peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): profiting and coping amid violence and disorder
Miles Larmer , Ann Laudati & John F. Clark

Making use of the past: the Rwandophone question and the ‘Balkanisation of the Congo’
Lars-Christopher Huening

Beyond minerals: broadening ‘economies of violence’ in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Ann Laudati

‘You say rape, I say hospitals. But whose voice is louder?’ Health, aid and decision-making in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Nicole C. D’Errico , Tshibangu Kalala , Louise Bashige Nzigire , Felicien Maisha & Luc Malemo Kalisya

Military business and the business of the military in the Kivus
Judith Verweijen

Effective responses: Protestants, Catholics and the provision of health care in the post-war Kivus
Laura E. Seay

From devastation to mobilisation: the Muslim community’s involvement in social welfare in post-conflict DRC
Ashley E. Leinweber

Looking beyond reform failure in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Stylianos Moshonas

Uncertainty and powerlessness in Congo 2012
Theodore Trefon

The Sicomines agreement revisited: prudent Chinese banks and risk-taking Chinese companies
Johanna Jansson

Book reviews
The trouble with the Congo: local violence and the failure of international peacebuilding
Jason K. Stearns

Political economy of media transformation in South Africa
Jason Robinson

Chocolate nations: living and dying for cocoa in West Africa
Georgios Tsopanakis

Getting Somalia wrong? Faith, war and hope in a shattered state
Mohamed Haji Ingiriis

Political culture and nationalism in Malawi: building Kwacha
Clive Gabay


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